blog-cookingNutrition10 Exotic Fruits for Weight Loss with Bonus Recipes

10 Exotic Fruits for Weight Loss with Bonus Recipes

5 mins read
Taisiia Dobrozorova
Written by Taisiia Dobrozorova

Taisiia Dobrozorova is a nutrition and fitness writer at Unimeal and a healthy lifestyle devotee. She has accomplished several courses on health, nutrition, dietology.

on May 20, 2022
Dr. Olena Avdiievska, MD, RDN
Medically reviewed by Dr. Olena Avdiievska, MD, RDN
Dr. Olena Avdiievska, MD, RDN

Medically reviewed by Dr. Olena Avdiievska, MD, RDN

Dr. Olena Avdiievska is a nutritional and medical expert at Unimeal. She is an MD and RDN in Dietology and nutrition and a university professor with 76 scientific publications. 

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In summer, when the choice of fruits is vast, you should pay attention to exotic fruits. Such fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, so they are good for health. And some of them help you lose weight.

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We often want to pamper the stomach, but we begin to think that this is merely impossible on a diet. Don't worry if you're looking for anything sweet-tasting. Fruits may be the right option for you.

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We present the top 10 exotic fruits that will help you lose weight.



Can you imagine what a firework of goodies papaya has in store for you? The green-orange fruit in its composition contains antioxidants, flavonoids1M. Serafini, I. Peluso, A. Raguzzini. (2010, August). Flavonoids as Anti-Inflammatory Agents. The Proceeding of the Nutrition Society. DOI:10.1017/s002966511000162x, vitamin C, and even carotene! Trace elements help the body speed up and stabilize metabolism. 

Also, the fruit contains a natural enzyme that promotes easy passage of food and improves digestion. You can generally feast on the fruit, both fresh and added to various dishes! 😋



What do you associate mango with? For me, it's exotic countries and warm sun. This delicate fruit is as sweet as candy, but you can easily get rid of excess weight by consuming mango in moderation. It contains the top helpful things for your flat tummy: calcium, fiber, and vitamins A and C. All of them contribute to fast weight loss!



A fruit from another planet or the perfect ingredient for your sugar-free salad? It's up to you to decide! But what about its beneficial properties? 

This fruit is rich in vitamins K, C, E, and B and trace elements necessary for humans. 100 g of lychee contains only 75 kcal, yet, the fruit wonderfully satisfies hunger. If you use it constantly, you can cleanse the intestines of harmful bacteria2Y. Zhang, D. Jin, X. An, et al. ( 2021, October 8). Lychee Seed as a Potential Hypoglycemic Agent, and Exploration of its Underlying Mechanisms. Frontiers in Pharmacology. DOI:10.3389/fphar.2021.737803, speed up metabolism and improve the process of the digestive tract. So, by adding some of it to your plate 🍽, you will definitely get rid of extra pounds! 

Passion fruit

Passion fruit
Passion fruit

Can passion fruit cause anything but an insatiable desire to bite off a piece? At the same time, a passion for food can also have weight loss benefits.

Regularly eating passion fruit improves bowel function and digestion3J. Aguillón-Osma, I. Luzardo-Ocampo, M. L. Cuellar-Nuñez, et al. (2019, July). Impact of in Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion on the Bioaccessibility and Antioxidant Capacity of Bioactive Compounds From Passion Fruit (Passiflora Edulis) Leaves and Juice Extracts. Journal of Food Biochemistry. DOI:10.1111/jfbc.12879. And, a pleasant surprise, it also relieves constipation. 100 g of the fruit contains from 70 to 90 kcal, which is not much, especially since you cannot scarf down many passion fruits because they saturate well.



The taste and smell of feijoa accidentally resemble strawberries and pineapples at the same time. In any season, this berry can help you to lose a couple of pounds, cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system! 💪🏻

Feijoa is rich in vitamins B, C and PP. They are perfectly balanced among themselves and contain proteins, carbs, and iodine. 100 g of the fruit contains only 35 kcal. Like other exotic fruits, feijoa speeds up the metabolism, so add it to your meals, making them calorie low.



Kiwi will help you to become slimmer as soon as possible! The fantastic effect of the emerald fruit on the body is hard not to notice, especially if you scarf it down daily on an empty stomach.

Kiwi contains healthy fiber, thanks to which the body gets rid of excess weight. Tiny black seeds inside the fruit improve the functioning of the digestive tract4G. Khiralla, H. M. Ali. (2020, November). Bioavailability and Antioxidant Potentials of Fresh and Pasteurized Kiwi Juice Before and After in Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion. Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI:10.1007/s13197-020-04467-6. The fruit is also rich in fiber and vitamin C, flavonoids, and antioxidants. Thus, it is ideal for fasting days: the fibrous structure of the kiwi helps control appetite!



Summery and juicy are the two main descriptions of pineapple. Caught you! It is also one of the best fruits for weight loss! Due to its composition, it is indispensable for slimming down. The fruit is quite sweet, yet it contains only 48 calories! 🍍

Pineapple also includes the "slimming enzyme" bromelain, which activates the breakdown of proteins and fats, improves the digestive system, and enhances the action of gastric juice. You can safely eat something sweet and lose weight thanks to pineapple - kill two birds with one stone!



One more option to cut down on fat is eating kumquat! This fruit is full of minerals, vitamins, essential oils, pectins, and acids5S.-N. Lou, C.-T. Ho. (2017, January). Phenolic Compounds and Biological Activities of Small-Size Citrus: Kumquat and Calamondin. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. DOI:10.1016/j.jfda.2016.10.024. Although the fruit is enriched with these valuable elements, 100 grams of it contains only 70 kcal. You can quickly reduce your pounds by consuming it, as the fruit can speed up metabolism.



You've just said "banana" and already smelled this pleasant aroma of ripeness. That's what I love about this elegant fruit!

Bananas have a remarkably beneficial effect on the body's health. Inside them, you can find fiber and potassium, affecting extra pounds and promoting weight loss. This fruit is nutritious, so eating it will not feel hungry, but only enrich your body with valuable vitamins!



Coconut is another unexpected weight loss fruit. But, unlike the rest, it is not famous for its low-calorie content. Coconut contains 364 kcal per 100 grams, but at the same time, it is a great helper in losing weight. 

Its secret is very simple - coconut fats are entirely broken down, giving energy and vitality to the body. Splitting, they activate special enzymes that trigger the mechanism of fat burning of already accumulated body fat. Even in small quantities, getting into the stomach, coconut is digested for a long time6M. DebMandal, S. Mandal. (2011 March). Coconut (Cocos Nucifera L.: Arecaceae): in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. DOI:10.1016/s1995-7645(11)60078-3 and creates the effect of satiety! 🥥

Exotic fruit recipes for health and fit

But not only fruits themselves can be a delicious snack. How about adding them to main dishes? Here's the list of several recipes from the exotic fruits you can add to your entrees. And you can start with…

Lychee salad

Lychee salad
Lychee salad

Lychee can complement any salad no worse than the usual oranges and apples. You can experiment and add meat, greens, and other fruits. The beauty of this dish is that it will be low in calories and combine sweet and savory flavors!

Passion fruit pie

Passion fruit pie
Passion fruit pie

Have you already noticed that passion fruit can be more and more often found in desserts of various cafes? Cheesecakes and ice creams are decorated with black grains, and the yellow color attracts the attention of buyers!

Passion fruit will look aesthetically pleasing on your pie and give it an unforgettable fruity taste!

Meat salad with kumquat

Meat salad with kumquat
Meat salad with kumquat

Another lick-toe-salad! Its secret is warm chicken (also low-calorie) and fresh lettuce. True, there is another secret ingredient - grapefruit for weight loss. After all, isn't it the most famous fruit in this category? So, slice into this mix kumquat flavor extravaganza and enjoy a healthy dinner!

Feijoa jam

Feijoa jam
Feijoa jam

Feijoa jam... sounds delicious already! You can roll up a few jars and spread it on buns or put it in the fridge and eat it in winter. The main thing that we promise is that it will be yummy and low-calorie. But if you want to sweeten the jam a little, just season it with honey!


Unimeal does not diagnose or suggest treatments. Any description of the diet, training plan or supplement should be discussed with your current physician or nutritionist. This article does not address specific conditions and is simply meant to provide general information on healthcare topics. Following any advice is at your own initiative and does not impose any responsibility on the blog authors for your health and safety.



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M. Serafini, I. Peluso, A. Raguzzini. (2010, August). Flavonoids as Anti-Inflammatory Agents. The Proceeding of the Nutrition Society. DOI:10.1017/s002966511000162x


Y. Zhang, D. Jin, X. An, et al. ( 2021, October 8). Lychee Seed as a Potential Hypoglycemic Agent, and Exploration of its Underlying Mechanisms. Frontiers in Pharmacology. DOI:10.3389/fphar.2021.737803


J. Aguillón-Osma, I. Luzardo-Ocampo, M. L. Cuellar-Nuñez, et al. (2019, July). Impact of in Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion on the Bioaccessibility and Antioxidant Capacity of Bioactive Compounds From Passion Fruit (Passiflora Edulis) Leaves and Juice Extracts. Journal of Food Biochemistry. DOI:10.1111/jfbc.12879


G. Khiralla, H. M. Ali. (2020, November). Bioavailability and Antioxidant Potentials of Fresh and Pasteurized Kiwi Juice Before and After in Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion. Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI:10.1007/s13197-020-04467-6


S.-N. Lou, C.-T. Ho. (2017, January). Phenolic Compounds and Biological Activities of Small-Size Citrus: Kumquat and Calamondin. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. DOI:10.1016/j.jfda.2016.10.024


M. DebMandal, S. Mandal. (2011 March). Coconut (Cocos Nucifera L.: Arecaceae): in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. DOI:10.1016/s1995-7645(11)60078-3